
Retirement planning journey

What you need to consider at every life stage

When you’re starting out working in your 20s, you may not be thinking about retirement in 40 years. The same goes for your 30s, 40s and even 50s. There is always something on the horizon you could be saving for besides your retirement.


Protecting family wealth

Start planning your legacy to mitigate or reduce Inheritance Tax

If you’ve worked hard throughout your lifetime to grow your wealth, and hope it will help to safeguard the financial security of your loved ones after you’ve gone. But without careful planning in your lifetime, you could leave them with less than expected after the Inheritance Tax bill is paid.


Pension boost

Are you claiming all of the generous tax relief you’re entitled to?

The unique combination of tax breaks and flexible access available to pensions make them a compelling choice when saving for retirement. One of the key benefits of saving into a pension rather than another type of savings or investment vehicle is the generous tax relief you’re entitled to receive.


‘It’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep’

The potential impact to your expected retirement income over time

When you’re planning your retirement income, there are multiple factors to consider: how much you can expect from the State Pension, the value of the pensions you have accumulated in your working life, your projected outgoings, and your potential later life expenses.


Reappraisal of urban living

3 million people in the UK aged over 50 considering relocating

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has lead to a reappraisal of urban living, with increasing numbers fleeing city confines in search of green space.


Mind the divorce Gap

Women see incomes fall by 33% following divorce, compared to just 18% for men

Divorce is an emotionally charged event – and can be an expensive one. The financial impact of divorce can also last for decades and carry on into older age. Women are also often impacted harder financially by divorce, new research highlights.


Plan for tomorrow, live for today

Helping you achieve your financial goals

The key steps toward financial security are to translate them into your own terms. What, exactly, are your personal financial goals? If you have trouble sorting them out, try classifying them as either wants or needs.


Wealth preservation

How to minimise a Capital Gains Tax bill

The rules around Capital Gains Tax (CGT) are complex and they differ depending on your financial situation. It’s a complicated tax and as a result some people may get confused about how much they should expect to pay.


How to future-proof your finances as a parent

A momentous event that can change every aspect of your financial stability

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a shattering effect on the country. Future-proofing your finances can help you feel more secure about what lies ahead – whether that’s preparing for big life milestones, such as starting a family, or navigating difficult periods, such as unemployment or poor health.


Creating wealth for children

Investing isn’t just a luxury reserved for adults

Saving for a child today is a wonderful gift for their future. Whether you want to help them buy their first car, contribute to their first home or even set them up for a comfortable retirement, there is little more fulfilling than providing financial security for your children or grandchildren.